Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Incoming>>Titus Andronicus - Upon Viewing Oregon's Landscape with the Flood of Detritus

Patrick Stickles from New Jersey band, Titus Andronicus, debuted a new song on a Jersey City radio station last night.

Going by the name, "Upon Viewing Oregon's Landscape With The Flood of Detritus", it is a first glimpse into new material prior to the release of the band's third album, due around November.

The rockabilly number continues from where they left off on last album, The Monitor, a drunken gibberish of words, mixed with two repetitive fist-pump chants, "built to last" and "thrown away", and a melodic lo-fi guitar sound, that sounds like it was recorded back in an old-timey saloon.

You can check it out here at 2:37:00